Biotope Point 7 - Crystal Water Falls

One of Specta Falls in West Borneo

This fall located so isolated and wild. 
One of the Greatest Falls in West Kalimantan with very wide size. You can see the comparation with the people  in the picture. In this place still have much species of fish, shrimp, crab and clam that native. One of the best species you can see here is Bagarius yarelli and Wallago leeri, there is loach too like Nemacheilus and Homaloptera for barb you can see Osteochilus waandersii, Hampala macrolepidota, bimaculata and many other species. For shrimp you can see Macrobrachium sp dwarf and Caridina sp. There is a smallest catfish in here that size never reach 7 cm. 

To visit this place acquiring 2 days minimum in the field. because need full one day to reach it. 

Special thing of this place is remoted area that far away from any village with best nightscape. 
there is much other species too and vertical natural garden near the cave. oh yeah the cave has a thousand of Bats that will spreadout when 5 o clock , that was be amazing view if you ask me how natural going so weird and we are the alien in there.

Mouth of Cave

Dry season is the best time to visit

Flow of water in Dry season

After Rain then the flow goin crazy but awesome

Beauty Snake



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